
  • 2005 – 23rd place at the World Championship 85 cc
  • 2005 – 22nd place in the German ADAC 85cc Championship
  • 2005 – 5th place at the International Junior Championship 85 ccm
  • 2005 – 9th place at the Slovak 85 ccm Championship
  • 2006 – 14th place at the Junior 125 ccm Championship
  • 2007 – 12th place at the International 125 ccm Championship
  • 2007 – 7th place at the Junior International Championship 125 ccm
  • 2007 – 9th place at the European Junior MX2 Championship
  • 2007 – 1st place at the European Junior MX2 2T Championship
  • 2008 – 14th place ADAC Youngster cup
  • 2008 – 17th place in the European MX2 Championship

Michael Spacek

Mischa was born on 28.3.1991 in Montelimar, France and this predestined him to become a true European and maybe that is why he likes to represent the Czech Republic abroad. He grew up and lived in Poběžovice u Holice in an environment connected with the family company, which in the motorcycle environment and beyond, has always been an active support of athletes and racing teams. This close cooperation in top sport with the family company and the motocross track behind the house has been a defining factor for Mischa from an early age throughout his life. Thanks to Mischa’s talent springing from playfulness, but above all his exemplary tenacity, he achieved the title of Junior European Champion and further successes in the Spanish championships always with a TOP-TEN placing and especially in the heavily contested German Adac Masters.

Without exaggeration we can say that Mischa Spacek, is the most famous person who attended ISŠT in Vysoké Mýto. As a successful athlete, he is also known in Europe among athletes of all nations. As mentioned, he attended this school and successfully graduated in 2009 in the field of toolmaker. Why did he train as a machinist?
Misha’s parents, as owners of a mechanical engineering company from their own experience, thought it appropriate to have a machinist in the family and moreover in the field of toolmaking, which is the king among machinists. Of course, he got and saw more practice in the family business, but for everyone at any age, practice and practice again is important after studies… A job that is the foundation of our lives. The work Misha did on the sports field was strong. And because motocross is a very demanding sport, not only in terms of physical preparation, but also in terms of the preparation of the equipment, the preparation of the equipment – motorcycles in particular, required the precision that we encounter in the tooling field. This should have been a preparation for life, but unfortunately it didn’t happen.

It is paradoxical that a man who was known in the sport as a precise rider with a clean and well thought out ride, became a victim of people who did a lazy job in preparing the equipment, the motocross track and the health care before his last race of the Czech Republic Team Championship in Loket. He succumbed to the consequences of his severe injuries on 12 October 2009.

In his memory, the “Michael Spacek Award” is awarded annually at the ADAC MX Masters final in the autumn. The winners of this award receive both financial and material support from SPACEK-PRODUCT for their outstanding personal performance, humanity and fair play.

As a legacy for all of us, it should be that we work tirelessly, as Michael Spacek can be a role model for us, so that great people do not leave so soon.